Tuesday 29 October 2013

A Good Leader.

Be A Good Leader. When we talk about being a good leader, we are talking about how to lead your followers without leading them astray. Who is a leader? A leader is a person who control situation,people or a group. Many people will say, well, i am not a leader because am not a governor or president or pastor, but i tell you everybody is a leader. Everybody is a leader, yes! You are a leader inasmuch as you have a brother, sister or junior ones even if they are not your sibblings, once you are older than the person or your level is higher than d person then you are a leader. You can also be a leader in your various schools either by being the class governor or departmental rep or HOD in your office. Having settled that, then the question "how do you become a good leader"? I am going to mention just few ways of becoming one. You as leader must respect the feelings of those you are leading, i mean u must know how they will feel.Think of it that the order you are giving them, will it hurt them, injure them or will it disturb them. Also, you as a leader must put yourself in the shoes of those you are leading, before giving them the order think of it that if you were given the same order will you obey or not. Don't forget that as a leader, you must live by example so that the life you live doesn't make your followers go astray and lastly, when you are being lead by someone do not complain, because what you do to your leaders your followers will also do the same thing to you. Having read all that, then you must ask yourself "am i a good leader"? If the answer to your question is NO, then you need to change so that those behind you will have good report about you.

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